Google Maps requires a Billing account to be associated with the Google Cloud project you previously set up.
Initially, your first Cloud Billing account is in trial mode and no charges will be made against your payment method. The trial ends after the trial period lapses, or when the $300 is spent, whichever happens first. After the trial period, your account will have a monthly allotment of $200 that will be automatically credited each month.
Here is a link to set billing caps/quotes, as well as pricing details
Note: Google requires adding billing information in order to use this API, but doesn’t give you an estimate on cost. Nearly all of our clients never leave the free tier. It may be a good practice to limit monthly spend (quota limit) to a dollar amount you feel is comfortable, just in case someone were to abuse the API Key. $5 should be more than enough. You can set that up by following this link:
We recommend inviting us to join your Google Cloud Project to ensure proper setup of any Google Services:
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