R2 is a service provided by Cloudflare to host your static assets (images, videos, PDFs, etc). These are all stored in the cloud so are faster to load for your site’s visitors. To utilize R2, you’ll need to have a credit card on your Cloudflare account and "purchase" an R2 plan (purchase is in quotes because there’s no actual charges unless you meet certain thresholds which are unlikely; more information below):
- Setup Billing
- Navigate to Manage Account > Billing in the sidebar
- Choose Payment Info from the secondary navigation
- Add a valid credit card
- Enable R2
- Navigate to the R2 in the sidebar
- Click the ‘Add R2 subscription to my account’ button
- There are a couple more steps with ‘Continue’ or ‘Purchase’ buttons to click to verify this setup, but after that Reusser will handle the setup and integration with your website.
R2's thresholds are as follows:
- Storage: first 10GB/month is free
- Class A Operations (uploading/moving/renaming files from within your website control panel or app/admin): the first 1,000,000/month are free
- Class B Operations (downloads/views by your website or app visitors): the first 10,000,000/month are free
Feel free to read more about Cloudflare R2 pricing here.
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