Often times you will want to give multiple people inside your company, or people outside your company (such as Reusser Design), access to your Google Analytics account. If you are not intimately familiar with Google Analytics however, this can be a little daunting as there are a lot of administrative options. Don't worry - we've got your back. Below is a quick step by step guide you can use to add additional users to your Google Analytics account.
If you run into any troubles, please let us know by opening up a new HelpDesk ticket.
1. Log in to your Google Analytics account at http://analytics.google.com.
2. Click 'Admin' in the bottom left corner of your screen.
3. Click 'User Management' in the 'Account' or 'Property' column depending on how much access you want the user to have. The 'Account' column will give them access to all the websites on your Google Analytics account while the 'Property' column will only give them access to the property (website) you are currently viewing.
4. In the 'Add permissions for:' box, enter the person's email address.
5. In the dropdown next to the box in step 4, select the desired permissions for the new user.
6. If you would like to notify the user via email, click the 'Notify this user by email' checkbox.
7. Click 'Add'.
That's it! If you have any questions please let us know.
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